Sunday, November 12, 2006

Effect of food on the mind

There is a definite link, as I experience time and again. Yet, like a fool I overeat or eat junk food most of the time. Now is a rare instance when it's been 6 hours since I had anything to eat. I am not hungry now, not full either, but feel quite satisfied. As in all things in life, this is a mental game. A few years back I used to watch what hunger really is. It is nothing but the mind creating an urge for filling the stomach, an urge that goes beyond what the body actually needs. For most of us who do not indulge in heavy physical work, the body really needs only 1/3rd of what we consume as food. In fact it is proven (and of course intuitive!) that feeding oneself less than what's considered 'normal' prolongs the life span of cells & delaying ageing. Why is that so hard to believe.. when it's obvious that giving every single cell in the body less work than it needs to do should make them more efficient? Is it because we as humans tend to believe our efficiency is at peak when we're over burdened?

There is a reason why most major religions include fasting as a necessary act of purification both mental and physical. Here, when I'm away from home it is indeed very hard to eat healthy. The food that I eat makes me nauseated at times - for instance greasy pizzas, cheese filled pot roasts.. the list is yuck in terms of healthy mind-body, but tasty for the tongue! Today I'm observing my own state in this experiment - the mind is able to think very clearly, there are no random thoughts, there is peace, a sense of being an intelligent being and so on. As I write this blog, the thoughts are flowing very smoothly like a stream that's used to doing what it does best - flow! It does of course help that I had an afternoon nap of 3 hours that totally boosted the energy of this time-space coordinate. That sleep was amazing... there was such a great feeling of flying.. of being flight rather than an object in flight :-). During my periods of reducing food consumption, I'd also noticed that together with a bit of silence and contemplation, the clarity of thought is so great that you are able to take decisions even on topics that you know nothing about. For instance, when you're in an area where you need to choose between 3 roads... in such a state you end up making the right choice at a rate that disproves mere coincidences. As it is widely known in the world of duality, everything, each minute object is coloured by gunas or qualities classified into sattva, rajas and tamas, or more commonly good or bad. When one eats sattvic food, for instance fruits, the energy concentrated in the body-mind becomes refined enabling one to drawing closer towards killing the ego-mind and opening up infinite possibilities. Thus, the breathing which again is intimately linked to the mind becomes very deep and rhythmic as well. With the stomach not over working trying to digest food, abdomenal breathing becomes natural.

I hope to ensure this strict regimen, but discipline is lacking. Its hard to come by in a foreign country, far away from home with lots of restrictions! But, I'll keep striving...


wealthjay said...

it is really very interesting to note the feeling you have developed about the mind, body and food. Bhagavdhgeetha a treatise on indian philosophy, has made it clear as to what type of food can influence an inividual to have the predominance of the three gunas viz sathva, rajas and thamas. each one has its impact on the mind body and behaviour of the individual. athma saakshathkara literally means ealising oneself. At the level of materialistic state it is 'knowing oneself, about the system response to hte food, activity both mental and physical. Ayurveda the ancient scince of medicine upholds the theory of pancha mahabhuthas t=-the five elments that are the basic componants of every thing in the universe. and even the mind is alos pancha bouthic in nature and thefood being pancha bhouthic even hte mind also gets nourishment, affliction through food.

anandanubhava said...

Am Indian so quite aware of the Gita :-). What you say is true but one should have other means to keep the mind fresh and vibrant with energy irrespective of food. Perhaps like meditation and proper breathing. That way one rises above the circumstances rather than being a slave to it! Eventually the mind is of course, quite useless and the death of the mind signifies liberation so that must be the ultimate aim of life.

Unknown said...

Hi there! I was looking for the general effects of food on one's mind on the internet and I found your post about it. I know you posted it years ago, but I'm beginning my quest at the moment, trying to control my eating habits to live better. Do you have any books you might recommend me on meditation for starters or even other books on this specific item? Thanks.

anandanubhava said...

For meditation start with reading Autiobiography of a Yogi which is also available online at & eventually learn Kriya Yoga from Ananda Sangha or SRF.

Some recipes are at though I've never tried these.
Also link to some books on healthy cooking are at