Thursday, April 28, 2005

Aptha mithra

Every year the Kannada movie industry manages to exceed expectations atleast once! It is precisely this glimmer of hope that keeps the Kannada fanatics on track - and why not? Insult to sensibilities can be gross in the form of defacing boards, or subtle in the form of snobbishly adopting Tamil, English or Hindi. Either way, it is one set of people transgressing the boundaries of another. For this, the people protesting in gross ways should never be blamed. There are distinctions in the pursuits of people, as widely seen among people in pursuit of physical perfection, intellectuals and spiritual seekers. This manifests in the hobbies, attitude and every walk of life! Having said this, it is obvious that physical crimes are the easiest to spot and punish while intellectual crimes often go unnoticed. As long as the intent behind any action is borne in mind, a level playing field is ensured.

Coming back to the movie, it's definitely worth atleast 1 watch. The storyline is gripping, the thrill is always palpable and the songs leave you stuck with tunes to hum. There are gems like "Experience has to be experienced, it cannot be explained" which I totally agree. There is another memorable incident where things are totally beyond control & all he can say is "the rest is left to God". Vishnuvardhan is a psychic who can read people's minds in this movie - something that is longer unbelievable! The theme of the movie is spirit possession, called in medical terminology as split personality I think. There are a set of modern scientific sceptics and some spiritual/religious folks with certain powers in this movie. I've heard its a definite possibility, even in this modern world :)). Basically, some spirit (set of emotions, likes/dislikes, habits in the form of energy) of a person who died a sudden death can possess somebody weak minded who has a strong karmic link with the dead person. What happens is, the set of energies of the dead person (remember - energy is neither created nor destroyed!) takes the body of the living person. Very intriguing I must say. Google for spirit possession and you'll not be disappointed. The best part of the movie is, it can be watched on many levels - something all great movies such as Matrix share. Depending on how you watched it, you may end up scared - so beware!!!

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