Sunday, March 05, 2006

Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we’re born
Into this world we’re thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm

This is the first stanza from the song 'Riders on the storm' by Doors. It's a wonderful song & you probably need to be doped to get the full effect. Else you need to be philosophical to begin to understand its implications. Actually, it's quite simple. I had no control over which body to take on, which family to be born into, the part of the world to be born into, what kind of intellect/mind etc to possess. Coming to think of it, these are THE defining factors that're shaping the course of this life, which I sometimes think is mine. If I had absolutely no control whatsoever on these super critical factors, then how much control do I really have on daily activities & other more significant events? It's a chilling reality check on all of us who keep spending the present making plans for the future!


Advaitavedanti said...

Brilliant song.

There's another thing that strikes me from the song: an actor out on loan brings a need of paying back in some fashion. That is in the form of acting more, again and again. However, the role that one plays is what one is good at; rather, what one wants. This in turn causes being thrown in the world onto the stage of family and friends that one can act with! So its that same bondage that one thinks oneself into and remains so, still not knowing why s/he doesn't have control.

anandanubhava said...

Yeah..I agree! Most of these rock bands of yester-year used to write such deep songs while drugged. I don't know what ideas they held while sober! Even in ancient days sura & somarasa had some purpose I guess...certain seekers use all sorts of methods - one example being aghoras. It's not for me to comment whether or not that's right , it's just a choice of whether it's right for me!

Advaitavedanti said...

Sure, for everyone their own path :)

Yeah, quite a few of those yesteryear rock singers came to India in search of what they thought to be gurus too.

As for somarasa, there are two different types of soma: one being the sacrificial soma used in yagna-s and the other soma which was used to get high!