Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Living in my own sweet world

Worlds they exist aplenty
Mine, your's, his, her's
Countless in number, too many to fathom.
A world for each human, creature, each particle too!
Each one different & unique,
Limited by imagination alone.
Existing uniquely, simultaneously,
Seemingly interacting and influencing one another,
Like water mixing with oil!
Obvious this should be,
For, is there anything at all
That you & me agree upon?
That you & me find the same,
No matter what!
I continue to live in my own sweet world
No matter what happens to yours!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Anandanubhava - The anniversary!

It has been just over a year since I started this blog. The first post was on
Thursday, September 30, 2004. Since then there have been 22 posts spread over about 54 weeks - that's almost a post every fortnight. When I started writing, I was doubtful whether I would have the enthusiasm & ideas to keep updating it. By some strange coincidences, I've never had a dearth of things to blog about :-). The viewership has ranged from the regular friends who follow the musings to the occasional search that leads people to this blog! Some of the search strings have been as weird as "where do banyan tree grow", "Ishavasya Upanishad" to as common as "kannadiga"! It has really helped that the Google bots crawled favourably over the site! Either way, visitors are always welcome to the blog, just like they're welcome to my home! The blog has helped reach out & keep in touch with friends who care to read & provided an outlet for me to keep penning my thoughts, sometimes in poetry form.

Anandanubhava is simply Ananda Anubhava - blissful experience. It also means Anand's experiences :-). Either way, I've tried to indulge in the true nature of this 'self' titled person !!!

Life has begun to come a full circle - from seeking & searching hither-thither to realizing there is nothing to be done, nothing to be sought. Everything just exists -what we sense, don't sense, think of as nonsense, never imagined & beyond. And each of us, (actually there is only one!) is in reality that everything. So simple that it is so very hard to digest.